Monday, June 11, 2007

Now that I'm graduated, I guess I'll just have to go clean a sawmill.

Some cool stuff happened recently:
1) I convocated... Somehow, after the mindlessly incessant barrage of intellectual pain and anguish, I found the light at the end of the tunnel. The walk across the stage was a bit surreal, to be honest. I was congratulated by a number of persons, with a good few hundred more watching me (or their eyelids) while I strolled across the stage. Now that I'm breathing fresh air untainted by the prospect of another semester with broad undergrad topics, I think my brain is missing the slight burning sensation of being pushed to learn massive amounts in minuscule time periods. Perhaps another tunnel is just ahead....

2) I did the Graduate Records Examination. Oddly enough, it was not the hellish experience which I anticipated it being; the essays were remarkably smooth, and while I didn't do as well on the verbal as the math, in the latter I had to rush through because of one question which stumped me for a few minutes (the only big problem I had in the entire exam). I received 570 on the verbal section and 680 on the quantitative (math). In relation to other Social Science people, this is 90 points higher on the verbal and 110 higher on the math, so it should help a bit with grad schools.

3) I got the weekend shift at the sawmill. Overall, I'm pleased that I'll have so much extra time to go out and do other things, like find a volunteer position or another job somewhere. Unfortunately, my churchgoing will be eliminated, and with it the chance to hang out with my College and Career crowd. My solution to this is to hopefully schedule a few events for during the week so that at least some of the next few months is spent with other people.

Funny event of the week: yesterday I was walking around and talking with God (as I often like to do, even if it makes me seem crazy), and I asked Him for direction. Now, usually I'm not given any direct answer to this request, as it's a rather vague demand in and of itself... I guess the Lord wanted to humble me once again, as a second passed by and I looked down.... to see the compass on my camera bag re-adjusting towards north. Standing there dumbfounded, I had this sense in the back of my mind saying "you wanted direction, there ya go"..... As I keep saying, God really does have a great sense of humor.