Monday, August 06, 2007

Scuba Diving.....

... is by far one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. I took a stab at it a few weeks ago to make sure I can actually do it, and the sensation is astounding (plus I didn't die, always a plus). The prospect of scuba diving is something I've made a life goal for a long time, but never attempted it because of health issues. You see, ever since I had my adenoids out when I was young, my soft palate hasn't quite worked very well, allowing water to go down my throat if I don't cover it up. Since I have enjoyed swimming quite a bit in the past, I've just worn a diving mask whenever I went, looking strange but at least able to go underwater without drowning. However, if you want to be certified in scuba diving it's important to have the ability to take a mask off to clean it and put it back on underwater, in which case water may suddenly (and painfully) go through my nose and down my throat. Hence, I have spent some time each day of the last week putting my face underwater with only a snorkel or filling a diving mask with water and pressing it to my face in an attempt to "teach" my soft palate to close properly... While my sinuses have yet to forgive me, I'm making small progress and hoping that by the time I get to the stage of taking the mask off underwater I'll be as non-panic mode as possible. Till then, guess I'll just be sucking down the water, one way or another.
On other fronts, I'm still making decisions on where to live in the Fall. I narrowed it down to Kamloops living being equated to financially intelligent and Lower Mainland living being more in the spirit of maturity. Obviously, neither would really matter if I could just find a job in either location where I can apply my counselling stuff (seriously, it's not that I necessarily want it for grad studies, it's more that it wells up in me and I only have rare outlets around here to use it... gotta have the regular fix of listening to other people's woes.... that sounds worse than I mean it to...).
Fortunately, I've been doing better spiritually, mostly because of Pastor Harry at my church in Kamloops, who is among my favorite people. He lent me a book on coaching, which let me exercise listening stuff a bit more, and on a few occasions now has helped me by meeting outside of church (to which I am still enstranged because of the work schedule) to talk about spiritual stuff (or so I can find anything he's missing for his sermon on Sunday; not sure on that one).
Many other fun developments, such has an outing to the Okanagan, continual bike trips, and interview with a registered South American shaman (who happens to be a Christian) have happened, but you'll just have to ask me personally on those.

Hope everyone's enjoying the summer and growing closer to God as the lazy days (for some of us) progress.